GS Group, multi-sector, international holding originating from Russia presented One TV, the first nationwide digital TV project in Cambodia at Broadcast Asia’2013 in Singapore. The audience of the third-largest international integrated exhibition highly appreciated the results of the project. The participants estimated GS Group experience in Cambodia as a good potential and an ample base for success in digitization of other countries in Asia.

GS Group presentation at Broadcast Asia attracted international experts from market research agencies as well as content and integrated TV solutions providers from South-East Asia and beyond, Singapore being a large media hub and one of the major world centers for opinion exchange among media technology specialists. “We work a lot in Asia, mainly in the emerging markets. Cambodia is an extremely embryonic, small difficult fringe market, however, GS Group are doing the right thing”- Stephane Chenard, Euroconsult Senior Associate Consultant shared his impressions. “The presentation showed that GS Group indeed have good results, that One TV has an impact. And Cambodia is now coming into the range of countries that are of interest to the investors. But there is absolutely a place for specialists with experience like GS Group has in these difficult challenging places “, he concluded.

The seminar “One TV Cambodia. How to launch the first digital operator in record-breaking time?” covered different aspects and stages of Cambodian project development. GS Group marketing executive Anna Melnikova described the steps of One TV start-up and provided initial and current figures that help estimate the project’s success and major content preferences of Cambodian population. In less than a year since One TV soft launch, the project can already be surely called a success in Cambodian market. One TV has become the first nationwide digital TV operator in the country, with 25,000 subscribers connected over a three-month sales period. Now the operator’s transmitting network cover almost the whole of the country’s territory.

All the information provided raised interest in One TV among the participants. Upon studying the GS Group case of One TV some experts said that this is not only a successful broadcasting project, but something having wider significance: it can be referred to as “a model” for digitization of other countries. “GS Group is not seeking easy ways. Your experience in Cambodian market is remarkable and unique”, Stephen Wong, Newmedia Solutions PTE LTC Senior Expert commented.  “We can say so not even a year after the platform is running. One TV model can be applied in other Asian countries – of course, with some changes and modifications because the market is diverse. But for sure it can speed up and facilitate digitization of the region”.

GS Group carries out a wide range of production and investment projects in various fields worldwide. Established on the foundation of General Satellite Corporation, Russia’s leading TV broadcasting equipment manufacturer, GS Group holding acts as initiator, investor, technological and business integrator in large-scale broadcasting projects globally. GS Group is ready to invest in manufacturing, technological solutions, broadcasting and provider projects, along with media content production. Currently the holding is preparing to launch the first DTH project in Pakistan. Bangladesh and Indonesia are next in turn.
