«Si-forum 2012» is to be held on 25th of September 2012 in Technopolis of General Satellite in Gusev town, Kaliningrad region of Russia.

Within «Si-forum 2012» the «Electronic components and consumer electronics R&D and production perspectives of Russia» business-conference is to take place. Forum is to be held on the territory of the Microelectronics Production Center «GS Nanotech». GS Nanotech is the new fifth plant of Technopolis of General Satellite. GS Nanotech is the Russia’s first manufacture producing microprocessors with topology of 45 nm. Si-forum 2012 is the unique opportunity to be the first to explore the new plant’ production facilities, including microchips and memory modules and other electronic components production and tasting.

The world leading companies’ representatives are already invited to the «Si-forum 2012». Among them: Assembleon, Broadcom, CAVIUM, HYLAB, Intel, LG Electronics, Motorola, Nanium, NCAB GROUP, Panasonic, Parrot, Renesas, Samsung, SMIC, SONY, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments, Toshiba, Tyco Electronics , etc.

Place: Russian Federation, Kaliningrad region, Gusev town, Lenina prospect, 1A. The free transfer from Kaliningrad to Technopolis GS is provided.

Please submit your delegation members list to Organizer for approval till 10.09.2012. Organizing committee assists participants with obtaining Russian visa and hotel booking.

To attend and for more details please contact Organizing committee representative: Alena Pryadun, mailto: pryadun@spb.gs.ru, tel.: +7 812 332 86 68., ext. 0241 mobile: +7 921 868 31 38

«Si-forum 2012» website: http://www.si-forum.ru/index_eng.html
