GS Group, private multi-sector international holding originating from Russia, enters South-East Asian telecommunications market by introducing digital broadcasting projects in a number of countries of the region. The company’s C-level executives will unveil the plans on GS Group business-to-business cooperation with Asian local companies at Russia-ASEAN forum, June 22, in Saint-Petersburg.
This year GS Group participates in Russia-ASEAN business forum for the first time. The interest in the event is due to the extension of the holding’s sphere of business competences and plans to develop projects in the regions. Launch of broadcasting projects is determined as one of GS Group key priorities. In September of 2009 GS Group (at that time – General Satellite Corporation) established a new department in its structure, namely, department of foreign broadcasting projects. Its aim is to prepare and launch digital broadcasting platforms in different countries exporting Russian technologies. In 2012 in cooperation with Cambodian holding Royal Group of Companies, under supervision of the Chamber of Commerce of Cambodia GS Group launched the first Cambodian nationwide digital TV platform One TV. In addition to Cambodia, other South-East Asian countries are in the sphere of GS Group business interests. Following successfully implemented boosting One TV, the first digital satellite TV platform is about to be launched in Pakistan. The holding also strengthens its presence in other regions of the world, with Asia being the main direction of development.
Participation in Russia-ASEAN forum is related both to GS Group partnership experience in Asian market and further demand in institutional cooperation with companies of the region on business regulating level. The role of business regulation mechanisms in starting foreign projects can hardly be overestimated. The examples of successful business-to-business cooperation over One TV Cambodia project will be covered during GS Group presentation at Russia-ASEAN forum. Polina Belova, Startup CEO, Board Director of Royal Media Entertainment Corporation Ltd. (OneTV), Cambodia on behalf of GS Group (Russia) will demonstrate the success of Russian-Cambodian cooperation in the field of digitization of terrestrial television by the example of One TV. Polina is ready to share the experience of teamwork during implementation of the project.
“It is highly important to find a reliable partner. The first nationwide digital terrestrial television in Cambodia was launched in record breaking time due to the fact we were lucky to find support from Royal Group and local government. One TV case presentation at Russia-ASEAN business forum is a vivid example of the successful bilateral partnership and potential of the ASEAN region”, - Mrs. Belova commented.
To recall, on July 2011 GS Group signed a letter of intent to start a joint project of digital pay-TV with Cambodian holding Royal Group of Companies. Commercial launch of the project took place in the autumn of next year along with the start of set-top box sales in the capital of Cambodia Phnom Penh. By the end of December 2012 digital broadcasting covered nine provinces of the country, reaching 70% of the population. What competitive advantages and steps allowed GS Group to start the project and successfully develop it in the future, how the company built its cooperation with local partner, how a Russian holding company secured a transfer of high technologies to foreign markets - these and many other issues will be covered in the report of GS Group top-management.
- GS Group enters telecom market of South-East Asia
GS Group enters telecom market of South-East Asia