GS Group will present One TV, the first digital television project in Cambodia at the international, Asia’s largest integrated exhibition for pro-audio, film and TV industries “Broadcast Asia’2013”, which will take place on June, 18-21, in Singapore. During the seminar “One TV Cambodia. How to launch the first digital operator in record-breaking time?” representatives of the holding will tell broad international audience about the first digital TV platform on the territory of this country implemented on the basis of the holding’s know-how.

The test broadcasting was launched in July 2012 in the capital of Cambodia Phnom Penh, while the commercial One TV soft launch was held in September 2012. Besides being technical integrator and initiator of the project, GS Group holding acts as the main investor of this digital TV platform, holding 51 percent of its shares. At the moment One TV transmitting sets cover almost all the territory of the country. And despite it has been less than one year since the project launch, it is already possible to speak about One TV success in the market of this South-Asian country.  

Besides One TV case, the seminar will also unveil the long-term plans of the holding on broadcasting projects development worldwide. Implementation and launch of international broadcasting platforms is one of the main GS Group holding competences. At present GS Group acts as the initiator, investor and technical integrator of a number of projects, with the Asian region being the main direction of development. Thus, in the nearest future the holding plans to launch the first digital satellite TV platform in Pakistan. Bangladesh and Indonesia are next in turn.  
