On February 13, 2014 the technical launch of One TV platform was held in Kandal. One TV the first Cambodian nationwide digital TV operator launched by GS Group holding in cooperation with local partner, the corporation Royal Group of Companies. This region became the ninth province covered by its broadcasting services. One TV Cambodia now provides digital TV services in three quarters of the country’s territory.

Following the successful launch of technical broadcasting commercial launch will take place in the near future. “With the new transmitter installed in the south of the capital we started broadcasting in Kandal province”, – Sergey Dolgopolsky, Director of department for foreign broadcasting projects commented, – “The population will now have access to 80 high quality channels presented by One TV. Eighteen months ago we started our new project in Cambodia from scratch. Today One TV covers about 70% of the country”.

The new transmitter covers two regions of the province as well as Ta Khmau area which is of the big interest for this broadcasting project because of high density of population and people’s interest to Pay TV services.

According to GS Group Department for foreign broadcasting projects, nearly 8,000 of households in the region would like to connect to Pay TV operator. Television in Cambodia is the main source of entertainment and people are willing to pay for a wide variety of channels provided by One TV platform in digital quality. Among them are such leading world famous channels as Animal Planet, Discovery, as well as the channels of the operator’s own production in Khmer. They are particularly popular among Cambodians: One TV Info Channel, One TV Classical Karaoke, One TV Modern Karaoke, One TV Cinema and One TV Sabay.

Kandal is Cambodia’s ninth province connected to One TV broadcasting services besides the capital city of the country Phnom Penh. GS Group plans cover the entire territory of Cambodia with its broadcasting network.

One TV is the first foreign broadcasting project of GS Group implemented in Cambodia. In the near-term future launch of digital TV is to take place in Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Southeast Asian countries.
