February 25, Jakarta, the IX inter-governmental commission on trade, economic and technical cooperation took place in Indonesia. On behalf of Russia, the commission was headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin. Within the event GS Group presented to the audience its competences in launching DTH broadcasting projects.
The event was organized by the Ministry for economic development of Russia. On behalf of Indonesia, the intergovernmental commission was chaired by the minister and coordinator on economic issues of the country, Hatta Radjasa. At the meeting representatives of the leading industrial, trade, financial and investment companies of Russia and Indonesia discussed the issues on the effective interaction between the two states. In the end of the meeting a business forum with organizers – Ministry of economic development of Russia, the Foundation “St. Petersburg International Economic Forum”, Russia-Indonesia business council, Chambers of Commerce of the Russian Federation and Indonesia.
In the course of both events GS Group investment and industrial holding presented to the business communities of two countries one of its main competencies, i.e. implementation and launch of digital broadcasting projects. Nikolay Maystrenko, Head of Business Development Unit, Department for foreign broadcasting projects at GS Group, spoke on the “Launch of satellite broadcasting project and unique integrated system of warning and informing the public in Indonesia”.
GS Group offered Indonesia a unique integrated warning system of its own design for cautioning and informing the public in case of emergency. It is based on the technology which allows covering 100% of the population and provides uninterrupted emergency messages even when there is no electric power. This is especially topical for Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia, where there is a constant threat of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods. Following the outcome of the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission, Russian government officially recommended GS Group holding as the company for implementation of joint projects with the Republic of Indonesia.
Having significant expertise in launching national DTH platforms, GS Group successfully implements such projects all over the world, thus transferring Russian high technologies abroad. After successful digitization of the Kingdom of Cambodia where the holding is developing digital TV platform One TV, in the near-term future launch of other projects in such countries as Pakistan, Bangladesh and other states in South-East Asia, Middle East, Latin America and the CIS countries.
- GS Group presents DTH broadcasting competences in Jakarta
GS Group presents DTH broadcasting competences in Jakarta