GS Group, international multi-sector holding, has set up the memorial sign with a countdown to the 100th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the historical battle of Gumbinnen. The military operation took place on the territory of the present day Kaliningrad region during the WWI. Solemn ceremony dedicated to the official opening of the monument was held on August, 20, next to Kaliningrad Museum of History and Arts.
Representatives from the Ministry of Culture of the Kaliningrad region, local Administration and GS Group holding attended the ceremony. Prior to the event a news conference was held at a press center in Kaliningrad. The guests received souvenirs, an orchestra played military marches of the early 20th century while the stele was being placed at the entrance to the Kaliningrad Museum of History and Arts. «The installation of the memorial sign with countdown is a very significant occasion», — Svetlana Kondratieva, Minister of Culture of the Kaliningrad region said. «It opens the first stage of a program of events to mark the 100th anniversary of the victory in the battle of Gumbinnen. The two dates written under the clock 20.08.1914 — 20.08.2014 will remind us of the upcoming anniversary of the battle which historically changed the course of the First World War. I would like to thank GS Group for contributing to preservation of our history».
The Kaliningrad region is the only part of modern Russia where the battles of the First World War took place. Today the area near the town of Gusev, former Gumbinnen, houses the territory of scientific and technical development Technopolis GS. GS Group is the investor and initiator of the unique private innovations cluster. Thus the holding in cooperation with regional Ministry of Culture and the Kaliningrad region government designed a large-scale program of events devoted to that victory for the people of the Kaliningrad region. «Today we mark 99 years from the battle of Gumbinnen. This stele will be counting down to the 100th anniversary. In one year the holding will set a memorial in the town of Gusev. It will be devoted to the heroes of the battle of Gumbinnen and the battle of Marne in France which are historically interconnected. After the battle of Marne the blitzkrieg plan failed. English and French allied troops started to win», — Elvira Gizatullina, GS Group Deputy Vice President for Strategic Development commented.
GS Group contributes to education and development of the new generation of Russian people and believes that helping them to learn more about the history of their land is a vital task. Thus, Technopolis GS staff together with students of Baltic Federal University of Immanuel Kant will conduct improvement over 15 military burials of the First World War, as well as develop the historical and tourist route to the memorial sites which were connected with the war a century ago. Besides, along with the mentioned events the company is carrying out a number of social programs in the region. Social responsibility is one of the important activities for GS Group as the holding is building a modern and responsible business in line with the needs of the society.
- GS Group sets up a memorial stele to mark the anniversary of historical victory in the battle of Gumbinnen
GS Group sets up a memorial stele to mark the anniversary of historical victory in the battle of Gumbinnen