GS Group, international hi-tech holding originating from Russia, is about to present its digital pay-TV project One TV Cambodia at “Broadcast Asia’2013”, June, 18-21, in Singapore. During Asia’s largest integrated exhibition for pro-audio, media and television industries the holding will introduce its key competences and share first-hand experience in launching and implementation of digital TV platforms worldwide.

The seminar organized by GS Group titled “One TV Cambodia: how to launch the first digital operator in record-breaking time?” is to disclose some key points of how One TV project was launched. The project management team is to share its experience within One TV case, this being an example of a successful international digital broadcasting project. The main steps on the way to starting the first Cambodian digital terrestrial TV platform are to be unveiled.

One TV project is running on GS Group technical and business expertise. Being technical integrator and initiator of the project, GS Group also acts as the main investor in the digital platform, holding 51 percent of its shares. In less than a year since One TV soft launch, the project can already be surely called a success in Cambodian market. One TV can boast of the fastest subscriber growth rate among all other operators in the market of the country: 25,000 users connected over a three-month sales period only.

“Digitization of terrestrial television even in such a small country as Cambodia is a non-trivial process. The fact that GS Group team managed to launch this project in six months is the result of our international team joint work, use of the latest technologies and reliable support of our local partner. This is an achievement we are proud of and we are ready to share our experience with other countries and partners. Therefore, presentation of One TV case study at the International Exhibition Broadcast Asia is no accident and it’s very exciting for us. I would recommend that all market participants, representatives of governmental agencies and private partners visit this seminar prepared by my colleagues.”, - Polina Belova, GS Group Head of project management division, Foreign broadcasting projects department, commented.

Besides One TV presentation, GS Group Head of Business Development Unit Nikolay Maistrenko in his report will cover the holding’s key businesses and unveil GS Group long-term plans on international broadcasting projects development. Launch of international broadcasting platforms is one of the holding’s top priorities. GS Group acts as an initiator, investor and technical integrator in a number of projects, mostly located in Asia. In the near future the holding aims to launch the first digital satellite TV platform in Pakistan. Bangladesh, Indonesia and several other countries are in turn.  
