On September 18-21, 2014 the GS Group international investment and industry holding company will take part in the International Investment Forum Sochi-2014. The holding company experts will announce proposals to support Russian manufacturers of electronics and high technologies.
GS Group representatives will participate in the round table discussion "Import substitution and industrial modernization strategy: supporting producers and promoting products" on September 19 and in the seminar "Territories with advancing development: a new tool to attract investment" on September 20, 2014.
At the round table discussion, dedicated to the import substitution strategies in Russia, Andrew Bezrukov, Director for Strategic Marketing, GS Group, will introduce the holding company opportunities of development and production of high-tech electronics in Russia. The speaker will also propose options to evolve the existing federal programs aimed at establishing favorable conditions for development of high technologies and production of import-substituting products of proper quality.
"GS Group is involved in the implementation of the import substitution strategy, – commented Andrew Bezrukov. – We develop a number of high-tech industries manufacturing products that are in demand and competitive on local and global markets. In particular, we launched an innovative wood processing cluster in the territory of the Pskov region in Russia, which includes the complex producing wood of high degree of processing. Construction of the plant for manufacture of fuel granules – pellets – is also underway. We have a number of initiatives, which comprise practical suggestions for the development of legislation in these areas."
Mikhail Osmakov, Vice president, member of Board of Directors, GS Group, will take part in the discussion "Territories with advancing development: a new tool to attract investment". In his report he will introduce an example of innovation territorial cluster Technopolis GS as a promising object for investments. The project is being successfully developed by the GS Group holding company in the town of Gusev, Kaliningrad region, since 2008. Overall amount of investment in Technopolis GS up to 2016 is estimated at approximately 850 mln US dollars. As a general investor, GS Group is concerned about additional opportunities for development of high-tech industries in the region and attracting skilled personnel. Relying on the holding company expertise, the speaker will present a number of proposals for establishing the territory with advancing development in the field of high technologies and modern electronics in the Kaliningrad region.
Andrew Bezrukov, Director for Strategic Marketing, GS Group, will be also involved in the panel discussion "Workforce mobility: regions in global competition for quality personnel" on September 20, 2014. Technopolis GS is turning into a point of attraction of specialists from all over the country and from abroad. A comfortable residential area is being erected, R&D and education centers are being built, social and cultural environment is being developed and a creative space favorable for exchanging ideas among talented people is being formed for these specialists. Organization of optimal living conditions to attract highly qualified personnel is one of the key objectives of the social responsibility program, implemented by the GS Group holding company in the Kaliningrad region.
- GS Group to reveal how to support high-tech Russian business at the Sochi-2014 forum
GS Group to reveal how to support high-tech Russian business at the Sochi-2014 forum