International holding GS Group to set up a memorial sign with a countdown to the 100th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the battle of Gumbinnen. The military operation took place on the territory of the Kaliningrad region during the WWI. The solemn ceremony dedicated to the official opening of the monument will be held on August, 20, next to the Kaliningrad Museum of History and Arts.
Representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Kaliningrad region, the local Administration and GS Group holding will attend the ceremony. Prior to the event a news conference will be held in Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper press center in Kaliningrad.
Festivities for the town dwellers will start at 1PM. Guests will get souvenirs and tokens, an orchestra will play military marches of the early 20th century. A stele will be placed at the entrance to the Kaliningrad Museum of History and Arts (Klinicheskaya st. 21).
The installation of the memorial sign opens a program of events to mark the 100th anniversary of the victory in the battle of Gumbinnen. Today the territory near the town of Gusev, former Gumbinnen, houses an innovations cluster Technopolis GS. Its initiator and investor is GS Group holding. The company has designed a large-scale program of events is devoted to that victory for the people of the Kaliningrad region. By the 100th anniversary of the event the holding will erect a memorial in the town of Gusev.
GS Group contributes a lot to education and development of the new generation of Russian people and believes that helping them to learn more about the history of their land is a vital task. Along with the mentioned events the company is developing a number of social programs in the region. Social responsibility is one of the important activities for GS Group as the holding is building a modern and responsible business, in line with the needs of the society.
The military operation which is called “the battle of Gumbinnen” is historical records took place at the outbreak of the WWI, on August, 20, 1914. It happened three days after the 1st Russian Army under the command of General Pavel von Rennenkampf entered Eastern Prussia.
Despite the fact that the results of the Gumbinnen battle have not gained worldwide fame, however, historians note its high significance. Further advance of the Russia troops in Eastern Prussia affected the command of the German army. Due to success on the western front it decided to switch two corps and a cavalry division to the East. That contributed to the strategic victory of the English and French armies in Marne, when the German blitzkrieg was thwarted, and that foredoomed Germany to dragged-out war. Later French Marshall Ferdinand Foch would write: “If France has not been wiped off the map it is Russia in the first place who we owe it to”.
- GS Group to set up a countdown memorial stele in Kaliningrad
GS Group to set up a countdown memorial stele in Kaliningrad