S Group, multi-sector hi-tech holding of Russian origin, is about to launch several new broadcasting projects worldwide. The holding is going global full-scale after receiving significant support from official institutions. In the beginning of 2014 GS Group and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of foreign trade. The Ministry expressed eagerness to assist GS Group in establishing business contacts and promoting activities of the multi-sector holding abroad.
Thanks to the agreement GS Group will closer cooperate with Russian trade missions abroad. These missions can support the holding during preparation and implementation of its business activities worldwide. The Ministry will also provide the company with valuable information support; assist in establishing contacts with government officials in the countries of operation. By signing this agreement the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade intends to support the company in reaching trade missions of foreign countries. That will facilitate preparation and launch of foreign broadcasting projects and make integration of Russian high technologies to global market more effective.
Implementation of large scale projects, in particular, the ones relating to telecom and broadcasting spheres, is often fraught with many challenges, such as finding a reliable partner in the country, obtaining licenses from the state and so on. Upon receiving support from the Ministry, the holding strives to launch TV platforms in Bangladesh, Indonesia and other countries in the Southeast East Asia in the nearest possible time.
«Support from the Ministry of Economic Development will certainly help to accelerate launch of such projects. Moreover, we can respond quickly to changes in the markets we operate in», — said Nikolai Maystrenko, Head of Business Development Unit at GS Group.
Professional communities of Russia and Cambodia have already appreciated GS Group activities in the sphere of digital broadcasting. In the end of January the holding won «Big Digit» award within CSTB’2014 for successful implementation of One TV Cambodia project. The jury of «Big Digit» awarded GS Group holding in a special nomination «For contribution to international broadcasting projects». Recently the company has also got an official thank you letter from Cambodian Ministry of information which marks the important role of One TV project in achieving the national switch-off road map from analogue to digital TV broadcasting in Cambodia before the deadline and covering with digital TV network even outlying regions of the country. To mention, since February 7, 2014, One TV operator services will be available in the tenth Cambodian province Kandal.
- Ministries' support to help more GS Group broadcasting projects kick off worldwide
Ministries' support to help more GS Group broadcasting projects kick off worldwide