In September, digital terrestrial broadcasting project One TV, started by GS Group in Cambodia, marked one year since its launch. The project team decided to find out what the audience, both adults and children, like about One TV. The action «Minute of Fame» lets everyone tell that on air to the whole country — in fact One TV came as the first nationwide television in Cambodia.

«I watch One TV, because it broadcasts in digital quality and provides a variety of channels from around the world,» says one of the «Minute of fame» participants. Television in Cambodia is the main source of information and entertainment. Before the advent of the One TV project there was no legal digital TV in the country. The quality of cable operators broadcasting was worse as compared to that of a digital format.

Children are happy to watch their favorite cartoons; the undying «Tom and Jerry» series hit all records. However, kids say that education channels in One TV packages, such as Discovery and Animal Planet, are not only for fun but for study as well. The Cambodian pupils are serious about their classes, but the huge list of channels, in their opinion, does not distract them from homework. «I watch One TV every day, but I arrange my schedule to have enough time both for studies and for watching TV,» says one of them. Today about 80 local, Asian and international leading channels are available in various One TV packages.

One of the most popular ways of having fun in Cambodia is singing karaoke, which is confirmed in a comment by a young «Minute of fame» participant. He is pointing to the logo of his favorite channel One TV Karaoke. The operator does not only translate local and foreign channels, but also produces own unique content in Khmer language. Thanks to One TV Karaoke and One TV Cinema viewers watch favorite movies in Khmer and sing karaoke in their native language.

And one young Cambodian who is in love says he misses his girlfriend in Battambang province, and gave her greetings. Most probably his love will see it on TV because today One TV is the only one broadcasting nationwide, the cable operators in Cambodia are only working in a couple regions. One TV now covers 70% of the country.

The «Minute of Fame» event goes on, and many more Cambodians will have a chance to see their relatives and friends on TV.

Watch this little girl telling about her favorite One TV, you don’t need to speak Khmer to understand how she loves it indeed!
