The world's largest manufacturers of microelectronics during "Si-forum 2012"signed a resolution in support of private Russian manufacturing and innovation centers.

Si-forum 2012 The largest manufacturers of electronic components and consumer electronics during the Second International Forum on microelectronics «Si-forum 2012" signed a Resolution in support of private Russian manufacturing and innovation centers.

The Forum was attended by over 40 representatives from the world's leading companies - developers and manufacturers of microelectronics. The International Business Forum was first held at the site of the Centre for Research and production of microelectronic «GS Nanotech», the fifth plant of the innovation cluster "Technopolis GS", which will be put into operation in autumn of 2012 as part of the innovation cluster "Technopolis GS», Kaliningrad Oblast. The investor of the project is the corporation "General Satellite", a leading Russian developer and manufacturer of receiving equipment for television.

During “Si-forum 2012” there was held a business conference “Prospects of Russian market in the development and manufacture of electronic components and consumer electronics”. As an outcome of the conference the representatives of Toshiba, Nanium, Synopsys, Analog Devices, Tyco Electronics came to the conclusion that Russian microelectronics market shows the trend of strengthening and expanding mass production.

“Si-forum 2012” participants adopted a Resolution in which they pointed out the necessary steps to further increase the volume of Russian microelectronics market. Such measures included promotion of Russian private innovation and manufacturing centers in the field of microelectronics, improving the quality of undergraduate and postgraduate technical education, strengthening international cooperation in the sphere of high technologies.

Mr. Paolo de Oliveira Queiroz, member of the board of Nanium company - a technological partner of GS Nanotech plant, has underlined that contemporary Russian hi-tech companies have good prospects in promoting their own technologies in the field of radio-electronics at the international market.

In turn, the representative of "RUSNANO" Mr. A. A. Dolbunov said: “During  Si-Forum 2012 we enjoyed the opportunity of talking to global-scale producers of microelectronics. Such forums strengthen interconnections within our industry and sometimes provide a starting point for new interesting investment projects”.

Si-forum 2012In the Forum framework, the first operation-ready microelectronics manufacturing center GS Nanotech was demonstrated. It is the most up-to-date contractual production site in Russia for assembling electronic components and encapsulating microchips with topology of 45 nm.

The participants of the international business have stated a positive experience of “Technopolis GS”, the most dynamic cluster of radio-electronic industry in Russia. The Synopsys CEO Mr. Gregor Wiethaler said that General Satellite’s successful experience in creating the radio-electronic cluster of “Technopolis GS” would give an impetus for growth of similar centers in Russia, with a full production cycle and possibility of serial manufacture of hi-tech products on a contractual basis.

“Technopolis of GS Corporation is a vivid example of successful project for creation of innovation and industrial center; similar centers may also be on high demand in other regions of Russia”, said the First Deputy Minister for industrial policy, development of entrepreneurship and trade of Kaliningrad region Mr. S.F. Zhavoronkov.
