Technopolis GS has collected tons of paper waste launching a series of actions to promote sustainable business in Russia. GS Group, investor of Technopolis GS innovation cluster, supports and promotes the vision that coexistence of man and nature does demand attentive and careful attitude to environmental assets. Lately First Carton Factory operating within the only private Russian innovative cluster has gathered more than 6 tons of paper waste in two small towns of the Kaliningrad region. The paper material assembled by the factory was immediately delivered for processing.
In Kubanovka the common aim to preserve state forests united volunteers who submitted over 327 pounds of paper waste in just a few hours. The staff of local library has completed tremendous amount of work collecting written off books unsuitable for use, newspaper files, old posters and handouts. Earlier on October, 24, the factory organized another environmental campaign «Day without paper» in small town of Gusev. During the campaign which fitted within the International Day Without Paper (IDWP) almost 6 tons of paper waste were collected by 3 high schools of the town with just as many as 30000 residents.
Recycled waste paper is used by the factory for further production. It is then purchased by domestic and foreign consumers. Recycled materials in the production process reduce percentage of primary wood resources needed for production. They reduce energy consumption and harmful effect on nature which is often linked with production of wood products. Statistics illustrates environmental efficacy of paper free campaigns: 100 kilograms of waste paper can produce up to 80 pounds of paper. Specialists within Technopolis GS have calculated that recycling programs within one factory may reduce environmental pollution by more than 35 % and pollution of water by 74 %.
The current year has officially been declared the year for protection of environment in the Russian Federation. The holding is actively implementing projects aimed at sustainable use of raw materials, in particular, forests. In Pskov region the holding has begun construction of forest nursery. Large amount of educative work is carried out with school students, teenagers and all residents of the Kaliningrad region. Humanity should understand that natural resources are exhaustible and neglecting one or another part in the chain can lead to environmental disaster. Such paper waste collecting actions are to become regular.
The next step of Technopolis GS environmental campaign includes gathering plastic waste, the first action being scheduled in the end of November.
- Technopolis GS collects paper waste and plastic for processing leading the way for sustainable business in Russia
Technopolis GS collects paper waste and plastic for processing leading the way for sustainable business in Russia