The Technopolis «Himgrad» and the first private innovative project «Technopolis Gousev» signed the agreement on collaboration and joint scientific and technical and innovation cooperation during the St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum.

The Agreement came as a result of negotiations on a mode of cooperation in innovation and modernization projects. The subject of the agreement is mutual help in meeting challenges on all levels of innovation market: from "Upstream" (i.e. business idea, R&D) to "Downstream" (i.e. promotion of an innovative product or technology).

Sharing experience as a part of interregional cooperation of technopolises is very important for the formation of the unified Russian economic space. New bilateral agreements provide a boost to the interregional collaboration towards intensive cluster integration. In this view the signing of such agreements sends a positive signal to businesses, to people involved in innovation development and, first and foremost, to the economy as a whole.

"Each region is capable of optimizing its innovation activities within its borders and being effective. But only when we join our efforts we get the key to greater possibilities. Integration of regions' experiences is especially valuable for the statement and understanding of the problem of modernization per se and also for the question of participation in development of a comprehensive program of innovative development of Russia" - said Yana Stoyanova, Marketing Director at Technoplis "Himgrad".

On the part the "Technopolis Gousev" the Agreement was signed by Alexey Liulin, CEO at OOO “Technopolis Gousev” Management Company”. He pointed out that one of the goals of the "Technopolis Gousev" Project always was to create an adequate innovative environment for highly skilled specialists and scientists, including well developed educational and residential infrastructure and public green spaces. The conditions have formed around active enterprises at the Technopolis during the last three years for successful development of several new elements at the Technopolis - business incubator, lab complex, venture fund, design bureau, social and commercial center, cottage village. Interaction with other technopolises provides invaluable experience to all involved, which should be used to help to fulfill an innovative potential of the country.

Artem Zdunov, the Deputy Minister of Economics, took part in the signing ceremony.

The Technopolis "Himgrad" was established in 2006. The "Himgrad" today is one of the largest sites in Tatarstan for innovations in high tech oil-field and low-tonnage chemistry enterprises, polymer processing and plastic recycling technologies, nanoindustry products manufacturing, energy saving, medicine and pharmacology. 120 resident companies do business here, they have already entered in their assets over a hundred products, over 60 registered patents and trade marks, and 20 know-how.

Investment and development Project “The Area of Scientific and Technological Development - Technopolis Gousev” is being developed in Kaliningrad region since 2008. The strategic goal of the Project is to form a radio electronic industry cluster in Gousev, the new federal level focus of innovation development. What is special about the project is the fact that it is 100% private and it does not receive government funding.
