- Technopolis GS
Technopolis GS
Technopolis GS is the largest private innovation cluster in Russia, the flagship investment project of GS Group. It is located in the town of Gusev, Kaliningrad region, 112 km from Kaliningrad, 30 km from the Polish border and 40 km from the Lithuanian border. Investments in the project exceed 10 billion roubles, the area of the developed land is 230 hectares. The cluster includes an industrial zone, a residential area and a creative space.
Key production areas are microelectronics and consumer electronics. Here the first Russian SSDs (solid-state drives) and, unique to the domestic market, microprocessors, are in development and mass production, and developments in LEDs, energy storage systems, Smart Home and Smart City solutions are underway. The well-established interaction of the cluster's enterprises makes it possible to manufacture products according to the full cycle principle. At Technopolis GS, products go through the stages of crystal cutting and chip packaging to the assembly and packing of the finished products.

GS NanotechDevelopment, packaging and testing of microelectronic products

Digital Television SystemsAssembly of electronic devices of any complexity: from surface-mounted components on a board to the packaging of the finished product

First Cardboard FactoryThe largest production of packaging material in Kaliningrad Oblast

PrancorEnterprise for plastic moulding, production of plastic and metal parts. Leading manufacturer of LED lighting in Kaliningrad Oblast
prancor.ruAlso in Technopolis GS there is an R&D center — a place where innovative ideas are born, which are later implemented in production.
Technopolis GS is a modern town where a number of high-tech enterprises operate successfully, a convenient infrastructure is being designed and built and an environment is being created that enables the development and self- actualization of the technical specialists and creative professionals who make up the "creative class" – the layer of society, which is looking towards the future and is creating it here and now.
Capacities of the enterprises mean that up to 20 million microchips and up to 20 million radio-electronic products can be designed and manufactured for various purposes every year
Technopolis GS is the optimal platform for enacting the state import substitution strategy. Here, high-quality Russian devices that meet the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Trade and Industry for domestic products are made.
Technopolis GS is expanding in two areas - a technological hub and a city for people. The synergy of high-tech industries and a creative urban environment is turning the cluster into a globally competitive innovation city. The innovation ecosystem of Technopolis GS is based on human capital. The development of the cluster is aligned with the world's leading urban models and concepts: the theory of the creative class and the creative city by Richard Florida, the theory of the global city, the idea of a city for people from Jan Gehl.